
biology_workbook.pdf | |
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#1--How the meter became the meter?
#2-What would happen if you didn't drink water?
#3-Why are you multicellular?
#4-Why vaccines work
#5-The Deadliest Being on Planet Earth-the bacteriophage
#6-Can we create new humans with bacteria?
#7-The most important moment in the history of life
#8-Immortal Cells
#9-Stem Cells-what are they?
#10-Do cell phones cause cancer?
#11-3 people who probably saved your life
#12-How 18th century medicine killed George Washington
#13-12 Days of Evolution part 1-stop at 9:35
#14-12 Days of Evolution part 2-start at 9:35
#15-3 Incredible examples of evolution in your body
#16-Why do we need sleep?
#17-Ghosts of Evolution
#18-How a possum turned into a wolf
#19-Is this a New Species?
#20-7 Animals that aren't what we call them
#21-Why is blue so rare in nature?
#22-Decoding the monarch butterfly migration
#23-Keystone Species
#24-Ecological Succession
#25-Why beavers are smartest thing in fur pants?
Access to Success
Instructor: Christa Schoenfeld
Phone: 406-447-6385 (office) E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: TBD, by appointment Office: Room 004, lower level
Course Description
This course introduces you to the basic concepts of Life Science; it is designed to increase your knowledge of the following areas: general scientific skills like the SI units of measurements, biology careers, scientific method, and tools of science, cells, heredity, microbes, fungi, plants, animals, and ecology.
Concepts are taught with a variety of methods including lab work, lecture, activities, and demonstrations.
Course Outcomes
- Understand and conduct investigations using the scientific method and SI measurement systems.
- Learn the basic building blocks of living things and the characteristics that govern them.
- Understand growth, development, and heredity of living things.
- Discover and classify the differences between microbes, fungi, plants and animals.
- Understand and interpret ecological relationships between the various factors in the environment.
Grading Policy
Grade Scale 40%-Participation
90 – 100% = A 35%-HW/Labs
80 – 89% = B 25%-Tests/Quizzes
70 – 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
*Extra credit opportunities may be available throughout the semester.
The following topics will be covered:
-Lab Safety, Scientific Investigations, SI measurements, scientific tools and instruments
-Biology careers and scientific discoveries
-Structure of living things
-Basic principles of matter, inorganic chemistry, and biochemistry
-Cell processes: cell division, mitosis, and meiosis
-Principles of heredity and inheritance
-Methods and technology of genetics
-characteristics of viruses, archaebacteria, bacteria, and protists
Fungi, Plants, Animals
-Describe characteristics of organisms and their ecological significance
Attendance and Participation!!!!!!!!
Be here…period. Each day you miss will be a day you miss participation/discussion points. You receive 5 pts for every hour of class you are here. Because we are covering an entire year of work in one semester, missing days will severely impact your learning and your grade in the class. If you are absent, you must call before class!!! If you do not call, you will not be allowed to make up ANY work or tests.
Be smart with your absences. Some days will be worth points that cannot be made up outside of class and you simply lose those points. I will ALWAYS work with you regarding emergency situations or illness so long as we have talked about the issues.
Tardies: Being late is rude…and it disrupts the learning environment. My door may be locked from time to time after class has started. If it’s locked and you are on the outside looking in, you are absent for the day. You will also lose 2.5 points for that hour of class. DO NOT BE LATE BACK FROM BREAK!!!!!!
MiscellaneousAdult Learning Environment – If you act like an adult, you’ll be treated as one.
- We are guests on this campus, don’t jeopardize that.
- If your friends don’t attend classes here, they don’t need to be on the campus.
- Smoke in the appropriate areas.
- Dress – Don’t look like you just woke up, do not wear offensive shirts, cover up.
- Be aware of your language in and out of class. Do not swear or be rude to your peers or me!
Cell Phones – We all have them and we all need them, however be respectful of your peers and your instructor and shut them off during class. This should be followed in every class, not just mine. There may be times that I ask you to use your phone but, if I see it outside of that, I’ll take custody of it for the remainder of the class.
Late Work – I expect work to be turned in on the day that it is due and in the form that I request it. If you are absent and do not call or email on or before that day, you will not be able to make up the assignments!!! Make sure you ask another student for missed lecture notes or discussion topics.
Respect – Respecting each other and our opinions is essential to making this a successful class. No student should ever feel that they cannot speak their mind or share their feelings so long as it is done so respectfully and received respectfully. Treat each other the way you would like to be treated.
Safe Zone – Please consider my classroom and my office areas that are safe for you to come as you are. All are treated fairly and equally regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, economic status, sex, gender identity, family status or sexual orientation and I expect this on student to student basis as well.
LIFE SCIENCE CURRENT EVENTS-Throughout the course of the semester, there are always new and exciting events occurring in Science. As part of your homework, 4 current event reviews will be required to be completed. Newspaper/Magazine Review format
Write a 3 paragraph paper on a Life Science related article from a current magazine or newspaper. The article used must be a minimum of 5 paragraphs long. Each paragraph of your review should be 5- 7 sentences long. A bibliography must follow the paragraphs.
Current Event #1-Feb 6
Current Event #2-Mar 6
Current Event #3-April 5
Current Event #4-May 3
Write a 3 paragraph paper on a Life Science related article from a current magazine or newspaper. The article used must be a minimum of 5 paragraphs long. Each paragraph of your review should be 5- 7 sentences long. A bibliography must follow the paragraphs.
- The first paragraph is a factual summary of the article. A minimum of one sentence for each paragraph in the article. Put the information from the article into your own words. Do not use terms or phrases that you do not understand, do not quote the article.
- The second paragraph tells which branches of Biology the article is related to. You must explain how the article relates to each branch. Biology is far reaching in its branches. Some of them include marine biology, zoology, microbiology, botany, ecology, anatomy & physiology, and on and on
- The third paragraph is a response to the article. If the article covers a controversial topic, write your opinion and support it. If the article is informational, relate the article to what you already knew about the subject, new information you learned from the article, what you found interesting and why…
Current Event #1-Feb 6
Current Event #2-Mar 6
Current Event #3-April 5
Current Event #4-May 3