Crash Course-DNA Replication
DNAi.org Class work
Vlog 1-Could we clone ourselves?
Vlog 2-Smoking and DNA
Vlog 3-Is inheritance all in our genes?
Vlog 4-Will cloning your dog bring him back?
Vlog 5-Genetic Tool Kit
Vlog 6-Genetic Testing-good or TMI?
Vlog 7-Sex determination-more complicated
Vlog 8-Why are some people left-handed?
Vlog 9-Introduction for CRISPR
Vlog 10-Genes and Crime
Vlog 11-Editing genes
Vlog 12-How does gene therapy work?
Vlog 13-Saving White Tigers
Vlog 14-Why we can't always trust DNA evidence?
Vlog 15-Building a dinosaur from a chicken
Vlog 16-Genes of schizophrenia-read article associated with this as well
Vlog 17-Hannah's Hope
Vlog 18-The hunt for "unexpected genetic heroes"
Vlog 19-Genetics and Addiction
Vlog 20-3 parent baby
Vlog 21-Designer babies
Vlog 22-Genetic Superpowers
Vlog 23-Conjoined Twins-Mutations
Vlog 24-Can we get DNA from fossils?
Vlog 25-Chinese scientist edits embryo
Human Genetics
M, W 9:00-10:50am, F 9:00-9:50am
Access to Success
Instructor: Christa Schoenfeld
Office Phone: 447-6385 E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: M-F by appointment Office: Room 004, lower level
Course Description
Human genetics gives the students an appreciation of how traits are passed from generation to generation and the function and structure of DNA. Studies include cell organelles and processes, DNA, RNA, replication, transcription, translation, protein synthesis, amino acids, mutations, and genetic diseases. Concepts are taught with a variety of methods including lab work, lecture, activities, and demonstrations.
Course Outcomes
1. Identify the parts and functions of an animal cell.
2. Recognize and differentiate between the cell processes of mitosis and meiosis.
3. Demonstrate DNA structure and replication processes.
4. Predict the genotype and phenotype of offspring.
5. Explain the consequences of mutations on future generations.
Attendance and Participation
Your attendance is expected. Regular and punctual attendance is important in the development of an effective learning environment, as well as ensuring success in the classroom. Good attendance habits are also necessary in the development of sound character traits and for success in the work world. You will receive 10 points/day for participation. If you are late, those points decrease. If you aren’t doing what you are supposed to be doing, those points decrease. If you are going to miss class for ANY reason, you need to call or text me as soon as you know. Please be sure to identify yourself clearly in your messages. You can even call in the middle of the night if you are sick, etc…I will not answer, but leave me a message! You will NOT be able to make up anything that is done in class if you do not call. All homework due on the day that you miss is still due. Figure out how you are going to get it to school and let me know when you call.
Grading Policy 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89% = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D ≤ 59% = F
Grade Weights
Participation/Attendance = 20%
HW/labs/projects = 60%
Tests = 20%
Miscellaneous-This syllabus is subject to change. Please turn off cell phones during class. If you are texting or checking your cell phone constantly during class, I may ask you to leave…it is rude and disruptive for you to have your attention elsewhere during class. IF IT CONTINUES-I WILL TAKE CUSTODY OF YOUR PHONE FOR THE REMAINDER OF CLASS AND WE WILL HAVE A CHAT!
NOTE: Attendance policy as discussed
HUMAN GENETICS CURRENT EVENTS-Throughout the course of the semester, there are always new and exciting events occurring in Science. As part of your homework, 4 current event reviews will be required to be completed. Newspaper/Magazine Review format
Write a 3 paragraph paper on a Genetics related article from a current magazine or newspaper. The article used must be a minimum of 5 paragraphs long. Each paragraph of your review should be 5- 7 sentences long. A bibliography must follow the paragraphs.
Current Event Helps
Current Event #1-9/21/18
Current Event #2-10/17/18
Current Event #3-11/16/18
Current Event #4-12/7/14
Human Genetics
M, W 9:00-10:50am, F 9:00-9:50am
Access to Success
Instructor: Christa Schoenfeld
Office Phone: 447-6385 E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: M-F by appointment Office: Room 004, lower level
Course Description
Human genetics gives the students an appreciation of how traits are passed from generation to generation and the function and structure of DNA. Studies include cell organelles and processes, DNA, RNA, replication, transcription, translation, protein synthesis, amino acids, mutations, and genetic diseases. Concepts are taught with a variety of methods including lab work, lecture, activities, and demonstrations.
Course Outcomes
1. Identify the parts and functions of an animal cell.
2. Recognize and differentiate between the cell processes of mitosis and meiosis.
3. Demonstrate DNA structure and replication processes.
4. Predict the genotype and phenotype of offspring.
5. Explain the consequences of mutations on future generations.
Attendance and Participation
Your attendance is expected. Regular and punctual attendance is important in the development of an effective learning environment, as well as ensuring success in the classroom. Good attendance habits are also necessary in the development of sound character traits and for success in the work world. You will receive 10 points/day for participation. If you are late, those points decrease. If you aren’t doing what you are supposed to be doing, those points decrease. If you are going to miss class for ANY reason, you need to call or text me as soon as you know. Please be sure to identify yourself clearly in your messages. You can even call in the middle of the night if you are sick, etc…I will not answer, but leave me a message! You will NOT be able to make up anything that is done in class if you do not call. All homework due on the day that you miss is still due. Figure out how you are going to get it to school and let me know when you call.
Grading Policy 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89% = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D ≤ 59% = F
Grade Weights
Participation/Attendance = 20%
HW/labs/projects = 60%
Tests = 20%
Miscellaneous-This syllabus is subject to change. Please turn off cell phones during class. If you are texting or checking your cell phone constantly during class, I may ask you to leave…it is rude and disruptive for you to have your attention elsewhere during class. IF IT CONTINUES-I WILL TAKE CUSTODY OF YOUR PHONE FOR THE REMAINDER OF CLASS AND WE WILL HAVE A CHAT!
NOTE: Attendance policy as discussed
HUMAN GENETICS CURRENT EVENTS-Throughout the course of the semester, there are always new and exciting events occurring in Science. As part of your homework, 4 current event reviews will be required to be completed. Newspaper/Magazine Review format
Write a 3 paragraph paper on a Genetics related article from a current magazine or newspaper. The article used must be a minimum of 5 paragraphs long. Each paragraph of your review should be 5- 7 sentences long. A bibliography must follow the paragraphs.
- The first paragraph is a factual summary of the article. A minimum of one sentence for each paragraph in the article. Put the information from the article into your own words. Do not use terms or phrases that you do not understand, do not quote the article.
- The second paragraph tells which branches of Biology the article is related to. You must explain how the article relates to each branch. Biology is far reaching in its branches. Some of them include marine biology, zoology, microbiology, botany, ecology, anatomy & physiology, and on and on
- The third paragraph is a response to the article. If the article covers a controversial topic, write your opinion and support it. If the article is informational, relate the article to what you already knew about the subject, new information you learned from the article, what you found interesting and why…
Current Event Helps
Current Event #1-9/21/18
Current Event #2-10/17/18
Current Event #3-11/16/18
Current Event #4-12/7/14