Astronomy (M-F, 12-12:50 pm) Access to Success Fall 2016-Room 201 Instructor: Christa Schoenfeld Phone: 406-447-6385 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Office Hours:11:00-12:00 M-F or by appointment Office: Room 004, lower level Course Description :Intro to Astronomy is the exploration of the universe and its processes. Areas of study include advanced space technology, stars, constellations, planetary systems, solar system, galaxies, and the universe. Students will use inquiry skills including demonstrations, labs, lectures, activities and real-world experience. Course Outcomes 1. Describe the relationship between the Earth, moon, and sun. 2. Explain how the contributions of the US space program and advances in technology have increased our current understanding of space. 3. Locate specific stars and constellations. 4. Describe the relationship between the solar system, galaxies, and space. 5. Compare and contrast the planets and planetesimals. 6. Explain what has been discovered and the impact as a result of human exploration of planets and space. Required Texts/Materials There are no required texts for this class, however, there may be required reading or internet study. You will need to come to class with paper, pens/pencils, planner and three ring binder. Attendance and Participation Your attendance is expected. Good attendance habits are also necessary in the development of sound character traits and for success in the work world. Just like a job, you get “paid” for being here and participating. I give 5 points per hour of class for participation and showing up. If you are late, those points start to diminish. If you don’t do what you are asked, those points diminish. If you are going to miss class for ANY reason, you need to call me as soon as you know. You cannot make up any work if you don’t call when you won’t be here. Due to the intense nature of this class, your attendance is vital to your success. Note:If you miss ten consecutive HOURS of this class it will result in an automatic withdrawal before the withdraw date, or an F in the class after the last day to withdraw. NO EXCEPTIONS Miscellaneous This syllabus is subject to change. Please turn off cell phones during class. If you are asked to put away your cell phone a second time in one class, your phone will find a new resting place with me until the end of class. If you are texting or checking your cell phone constantly during class, I may ask you to leave…it is rude and disruptive for you to have your attention elsewhere during class. Grading Policy 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89% = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D Below 60%=F Homework, labs and projects will be assigned throughout the semester. Grade Weights 40%o-Participation 40%-HW/Labs 20%-Tests/Quizzes/Projects